Tag Archives: ahsin

How to Estimate Time for A Project: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Estimate Time for A Project: A Comprehensive Guide | by What the Flutter | Apr, 2024

Project estimation is pivotal in determining the viability and success of a project. It involves predicting the necessary effort, time, and resources, directly influencing whether a project is worth pursuing from a business perspective. Key reasons for estimation include aligning project objectives with business goals, ensuring efficient resource utilization, setting client and team expectations, and…

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Explore Line Chart In Flutter. Learn how to create an interactive Line… | Feb, 2024

Explore Line Chart In Flutter. Learn how to create an interactive Line… | by Sk | Feb, 2024

To utilize LineChart , you need to call the constructor underneath: const LineChart( this.data, { this.chartRendererKey, super.key, super.duration = const Duration(milliseconds: 150), super.curve = Curves.linear, }); In LineChart we will use the LineChartData constructor on the data field: LineChartData({ this.lineBarsData = const [], this.betweenBarsData = const [], super.titlesData = const FlTitlesData(), super.extraLinesData = const ExtraLinesData(),…

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