Build a Custom Bottom Navigation Bar in Flutter with Animated Icons from Rive | Flutter Community | Jan, 2024

Today I will show you how to build this custom bottom navigation bar in Flutter with animated icons from Rive. Preview of BottomNavigationBar with Animated Icons Project Setup 🛠️ We begin our journey with an empty Flutter project, create an assets directory. The first step involves downloading animated icons from the Rive community. Then rename…

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Socket Communication in Flutter: Building Real-time Apps – Jan, 2024

Socket Communication in Flutter: Building Real-time Apps | by Prachi Shukla | Jan, 2024

What are sockets? Sockets are communication endpoints used to establish a connection between two computers or devices over a network. They facilitate bidirectional data flow, allowing processes on different machines to exchange information. Sockets provide a standard mechanism for processes running on separate devices to communicate, irrespective of the underlying hardware, operating systems, or programming…

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Custom Paint with Flutter. Learn how to create a shape using | Dec, 2023

Custom Paint with Flutter. Learn how to create a shape using… | by Sk | Dec, 2023

To utilize CustomPaint, you need to call the constructor underneath: CustomPaint({ super.key, this.painter, this.foregroundPainter, this.size =, this.isComplex = false, this.willChange = false, super.child, }) There are some properties of CustomPaint: > child: This property is used to the child holds whatever widget is needed to create the CustomPaint. > foregroundPainter: This property is utilized…

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Implement Audio Trimmer In Flutter | Dec, 2023

Implement Audio Trimmer In Flutter | by Sk | Dec, 2023

Step 1: Add the dependencies Add dependencies to pubspec — yaml file. dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter easy_audio_trimmer: ^1.0.2+4 file_picker: ^6.1.1 Step 2: Import import ‘package:easy_audio_trimmer/easy_audio_trimmer.dart’; import ‘package:file_picker/file_picker.dart’; Step 3: Run flutter packages get in the root directory of your app. Step 4: While running on the Android platform if it gives an error that minSdkVersion…

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Implement PostgreSQL In Flutter. Learn How To Use & Implement PostgreSQL

Implement PostgreSQL In Flutter. Learn How To Use & Implement PostgreSQL… | by RAHUL THAKUR | Dec, 2023

PostgreSQL is a powerful, open-source object-relational database system. It has more than 15 years of active development phase and a proven architecture that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, data integrity, and correctness. PostgreSQL (pronounced as post-gress-Q-L) is an open-source relational database management system (DBMS) developed by a worldwide team of volunteers. PostgreSQL…

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